Docklands, February 2025

Monday, June 01, 2009

You would have found us, for most of this weekend, in Cambridge.

Taffa and Gaz had a yen to go to the Cambridge Car Boot Sale and sell all their junk at a massive profit.

Clearly to do this you need to have a car boot.

They don’t have a car boot.

But we do. So we took it down to Cambridge on Saturday evening for them to use.

It might have been a mistake on Saturday evening, when you need to be ready to leave the house on Sunday morning at around six, to go on a pub crawl!

But we were ready, on a bright, sunny Sunday morning to head off to the Car Boot Sale – if a little tired!

The Builder and I wandered around and looked at the stalls. I bought a shirt. We bought some veg. We bought an extension for the garden hose and a few bits and pieces. Taffa and Gaz were doing quite well in the selling stakes.

The Builder and I wandered into town and had breakfast at Don Pasquale’s (where we usually go in the evening for pizza) and pottered around in the market and bought a few more things.

We went back to the Car Boot Sale.

It went on FOR EVER!!!!!

Actually, it runs from 7-12 and is very well attended. And I had quite a good time. But I would have had an even better time if it had run from 9-12. It was Sunday morning for heavens sake!

We took things home again. T and G had made £40 or £50 profit. And we strolled off down to the river, to the Green Dragon for lunch, and then back along the river and through the park and back to their place.

Then The Builder and I went home again. T and G took their bikes and went back to the Green Dragon. The sun continued to shine.

Freyja, on the other hand, went to Leeds to be a zombie

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