Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

And it more or less rained all weekend. I did manage to get the the allotment to grab some rhubarb for a rhubarb cake and for the freezer, but that was pretty much it in terms of gardening or other outside activities. We didn't go to the Belper steam fair, or to any of the open farms. We did go to Chatsworth.

So The Builder made steady progress in the bathroom. He has now put the cabinet up and painted the walls. He's put skirting up. Yesterday (Monday), he took advantage of a late afternoon break in the rain to cut the tiles to go around the bath. They are now laid. All he needs to do now is to grout the new tiles and to put up the frieze and the decorating is more or less done. Well - except for the flooring which we haven't got yet. And we are still planning on a new door. And then, of course, we'll need a new window. The old one is looking very, very tatty now!

Otherwise, I think that mostly we ate. And drank. The Three Horseshoes for Sunday lunch - despite the fact I had bought lots of lovely Sunday food at Chatsworth. We had that on Monday instead!

All in all, it was a fairly lazy weekend. Apart from The Builder's efforts in the bathroom.

So I wonder why I was quite so tired yesterday. I was in bed by just after ten last evening. It wasn't even properly dark.

The Builder has broken one of my dinner plates. It dropped out of his hands this morning when he was putting it away after our Sunday-lunch-on-a-Monday-evening last night. The loss of the odd plate is not a catastrophe. They are quite expensive but readily available. Alas - when it escaped from his hand it fell onto my sea-globe (like a snow-globe only filled with blue rather than white stuff). That side of the dining room is now absolutely COVERED with blue sand. You wouldn't have thought there was so much blue sand in one sea-globe! I can see Henry coming out for an unexpected tour of duty this evening!! Still, at least the plate didn't take out the meat platter as well. That would be almost impossible to replace. They didn't make many in the Cambridge blue - though I suppose I could always have replaced it with one in black. Fortunately - the need has not arisen!

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