Docklands, February 2025

Monday, April 27, 2009

We've just bought a bathroom!

It’s amazing how silently £2760 moves out of your bank account. Hand over your piece of plastic and lo – it’s gone! Just like that.

I don’t suppose the arrival of the bathroom fittings will be anything like as silent or as quick. It’s all coming on Friday. Must arrange to get the day off work.

And we are hugely grateful to the nice lady in The Bathstore who alerted us to the 20% off sale which was starting on Saturday. Not everything we wanted was covered, but quite a lot was. Saved us around £500. And one of The Builder’s plumber mates and his apprentice are coming to fit the stuff next weekend. So The Builder has been having a merry time knocking the tiles off the walls (an experience enlivened by the discovery that the tiles are actually stuck on top of what we take to be the original, late Victorian tiles), removing the shower recess, chopping and chipping things – and discovering that there is a sizeable hole behind the bath which may explain why sometimes lots of water cascades down into the kitchen. Showering is becoming something of a challenge!

As I was coming out of the hairdresser’s on Saturday morning, I suddenly decided that the day would be much improved by the application of a bacon sandwich and a hot chocolate. I summoned The Builder and met him in the coffee shop. Chatting to Julie, whose coffee shop it is, we made the discovery that there is a small piggery attached to the farm and they now make their own bacon and sausages. In fact, it was their bacon we were having on our breakfast sandwiches. And extremely nice bacon it was too. I *thought* I could occasionally smell piggies but had no idea there was a piggery anywhere near us. I must email them and see if they’ll sell me half a pig. Preferably one that is already butchered. I also bought a packet of bacon and some sausages from the coffee shop. We had bacon sandwiches for breakfast again yesterday. And will have the sausages tonight.

It was absolute bedlam in Chesterfield on Saturday. I have no idea why. But it took nearly 15 minutes queuing to get OUT of the multi-storey car park! And the roads were almost at a standstill.

I’ve put us back on the alcohol wagon. Target now is either August 1st or a waistline of 85cm (for me – The Builder wouldn’t look at all well with a waistline of 85cm!!) whichever comes first. But with dispensations for weekends away. I can’t see a weekend away at an agricultural show in June with Bea and Steve being anything other than an off the wagon weekend!!

I woke up at 3:30 this morning with a massive coughing fit. I should think it stirred most of Tupton. It certainly woke The Builder up. I'm slightly achey now. And very tired. and sort of glumpy. I don't have swine flu - I haven't been anywhere near Mexico, ever. But there would be something of an irony if I have to miss my Wellness MOT tomorrow cos I'm off sick!!!!

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