Docklands, February 2025

Monday, April 27, 2009

We had a very productive weekend in the garden and on the allotment.

I've sown another four rows each of broad beans and peas on the allotment and planted 30 brassica seedlings that I bought in the Chesterfield market between the broad bean rows. The original sowings of peas and beans are now up and growing nicely. The ones from just before Easter are now coming through.There are another two beds ready for planting but more digging needs to be done! One of the allotmenteers is proposing to put a beehive up there. That will be extremely useful.

I planted the potatoes in the kitchen garden. I put 5 potatoes in each row and lightly pressed them in, then hilled them up. It's raining today. I have an uneasy feeling the hills may wash back down into the valleys and I might need to go out and put them in a bit deeper! I have 20 seed potatoes left and nowhere to put them!

We are eating lettuce thinnings in our lunches.

And I've planted out the sweet peas. They looked as though they were getting impatient to be put out. But focus - the mornings have been frosty. Don't go mad and put out the kidney beans!!

I did have a nice plan of which potatoes were to go where, but I've lost it. So, for my information, here's what eventually went where:

Bed 1

Bed 2

Bed 3

Bed 4


Lady Balfour

Shetland Black



Lady Balfour

Shetland Black




Royal Kidney

Dunbar Rover



Royal Kidney

Dunbar Rover

Lady Christl


Royal Kidney

Skerry Blue

Lady Christl


Royal Kidney

Skerry Blue

Mr Little’s Yetholm Gypsy

Mr Little’s Yetholm Gypsy

Highland Burgundy Red

Highland Burgundy Red

And in the trapezoid bed along the fence:

Belle de Fontenay Sante Pink Fir Cara
Belle de Fontenay Sante Pink Fir Cara
Belle de Fontenay
Belle de Fontenay

Oh - and exciting news: the asparagus is back! All ten of the spring planted plants have re-emerged. So far there's no sign of the autumn planted ones but no doubt they'll be along in time. We can't eat them this year though. Nothing until next year, and even then only a light picking

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