Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I had some beef mince lying about yesterday and was quite tempted by the idea of lasagne for dinner. However, we didn't have any lasagne sheets and I couldn't be bothered making any. What to do?

Potatoes. That's what. We had lots of potatoes.

I very, very thinly sliced several potatoes (Thank you to a merciful heaven for the invention of food processors!).

I sauteed some sliced onion and some red cabbage which I also had lying around (but green cabbage or any other vegetable would have been just as fine) and added some juicy chopped tomatoes. I fried up the beef mince. Then I layered the potatoes, the vegetables, the potatoes, the mince, some mozzarella, some potatoes, the rest of vegetables and some more potatoes in an oven dish, put a lid on and put the whole lot in a medium oven for about an hour. Then I took the lid off, crisped up the potatoes a wee bit and then topped with some more mozzarella and toasted that.

It was absolutely lovely. Not heavy, not too fatty. Just very tasty. And effectively a store cupboard meal

(A colleague tells me that that is not a lasagne but a moussaka. I take her point about the potatoes but surely a moussaka has to have aubergine?)

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