Late morning/ lunchtime
Nibbly things (which I believe Tabitha is organising, but I will organise party pies of various persuasions)
Mid afternoon
Potato and leek soup with grated cheese for those who partake of cheese
Late afternoon
Vegetable platter with roast potatoes, peas, carrots, other veggies as I find them, perhaps with homemade stuffing balls and gravy and maybe a cheese sauce
Early evening
Seafood platter for the omnivores (Langoustines, scallops, tempura prawns, mussels, salmon for three of us) with dip things
And for the veggie I have a selection of vegetarian munchy things such a ficken nuggets, veggie sticks, quorn popcorn and so on
Oh - and potato smiles :-)
Dessert: homemade Christmas pudding; mini pavlovas; chocolate mousse
What think you all?
Right. The Sunday-after-Christmas when we will be entertaining anything between around 20 to 30 of The Builder's kin in a rented cottage with unknown quality of kitchen kit (I will, however, take some of my own stuff). This is *just* a Sunday lunch ("just", she says, with a slightly hysterical laugh!). We have one child who only eats meat, raw vegetables, frozen peas still frozen and roast potatoes. He also eats cakes, biscuits, sweets, crisps, general junk. I don't think there are any vegetarians; no one else has replied to my request to be informed of dietary requirements .
1. Soup (more potato and leek? Other suggestions?)
2. Roast beef, roast chicken, large platter of roast vegetables, peas, beans, raw veg platter, stuffing, gravy. If we have Yorkshires I think they might have to be supermarket ones. I'm not sure about making enough for 30 in an unfamiliar oven!
3. And dessert. Another homemade Christmas pudding. More mini pavs? Something else?
All comments, suggestions, revisions gratefully received. Also a cold compress, brandy and other emergency resuscitation elixirs, potions and devices for the chef. Everyone else is on their own!!
(Comments can be left by anyone. If you are not a registered contributor they will come to me first for moderation, so don't worry if your words of wisdom don't immediately appear in the comments area)
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