Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I spent most of Friday evening and yesterday morning baking. Alas, the oven was in something of a strop on Friday evening and seemed to be cooking the cakes too fast. My madeira cake was not fit for human consumption :-( The meringues were, though. It was happier yesterday morning and turned out some lovely stuff.

The dining room table was positively groaning with afternoon tea goodies by 2pm. There were: chocolate cake, lemon drizzle cake, sultana cake. There were also raspberry meringues and shortbread biscuits in the shapes of little girls, little boys, stars and flowers. I put mandarins dotted about the table and there were tea cups, a teapot, plates and pretty things. I really should have taken a photo of it, but didn't think about it until just now!

To our tea party came Julia from work and her little boy Jacob. Rupert from work came too. So did Bea and Steve. Julia's husband and little girl couldn't come because Abigail has a horrid cold. And Paul from work and his wife couldn't come because they've been very busy for the past couple of weeks and Morag fancied a day at home. She is clearly not a dedicated cake eater - I've have postponed a day at home for the opportunity of cake!!

We had tea and coffee and fruit juice and wine to drink. I ate lots and lots of cake and biscuits. Probably more than I've eaten for most of the rest of the year!

Then everyone went home and The Builder and I had fish and chips for dinner and went to bed.

Got up late this morning. Had a lovely, lazy lie in drinking tea and watching the orange men on the railway.

Now - what shall we do for the rest of the day ... ?

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