Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And what did we do?

We pottered.

We got up late and tootled around and tidied up and meandered a bit and had beans and egg on toast. We contemplated the garden and drank coffee and thought about things.

We drove to Chatsworth (which was once again very, very crowded - but at least we got a parking space) and went home Another Way because the queues getting in to Chatsworth from Sheffield and Chesterfield were enormous. Not that we fgo through Chesterfield to get to the shop, but we would have had to join the queue for a brief period to get back on to our road. The queues heading to Chatsworth on the Chesterfield road stretched for miles and miles and miles!!

We got home. Now, we could have done some useful things. We could have got into the garden, or onto the allotment or all sorts of things. Instead I thought: It's a lovely afternoon. There isn't anything really pressing we need to achieve. There's nothing we absolutely have to do. Let's put on our wellies and go and see what the highland cows are doing on the wetlands. So we did. It was a lovely stroll. Haven't been through the reserve for simply ages. It was distinctly muddy, though, especially on the bit where the path goes through a field! I had to jump in a rather large puddle once we got to the playing fields to clean my boots. Jumping around, I liberated a golf ball :-) Gave The Builder positively minutes of pleasure kicking it about, it did!

Got home. Pottered about a bit more. Had roast pork for dinner. Pootled a tad more, and then to bed.

A lovely, lazy Sunday. I thoroughly enjoyed it

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