Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Very early morning

It's lovely at this time of the year.

I was woken at just before four this morning (which is perhaps a tad on the early side!) by sunshine and very cheery birdsong.

I did not get up!

I was woken again just before five by more birdsong, more sunshine and The Builder coming back from a trip to the bathroom with the cat.

I still didn't get up, but I did put the radio on.

The Builder went down at just after five, rather than around half past, to make the tea.

We were all up before 6 (Marlo came down when I went downstairs to get something at about half past five, demanding his breakfast).

This gave me time to go down and pick some salad leaves for lunch and to heat some (homemade!!!) bread rolls for breakfast bacon sandwiches and to have a ten minute potter in the garden and to have a lovely, slow, sunny start to the day. No rush, no panic, just happy pottering about.

And we left a couple of minutes earlier than usual and encountered almost no traffic on our way into Sheffield.

Perhaps we should do that more often!

The downside, of course, is that today is Wednesday and I am supposed to be meeting Tony online this evening at 10:00 for our weekly chat. I'm not bothering to take bets as to whether I'll still be awake at that time. I shall set an alarm instead!!!

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