Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Monday, December 30, 2019

The Liminal Days of the Interfest

We had Christmas Day breakfast at Hill House, prepared by Emily and Andre

We had lunch at our place

We had Christmas Night dinner at Simon's place, prepared by Simon and Christian

We had Boxing Day breakfast at Ghost's House (prepared by the person who makes the muffins for the 7-11 :-D)

We have had summer lunches out and light evening meals in.

The sun has shone and the weather has been glorious.

Stella has been at Hill House with Rupert and Hugo. So have we.  Lindsey and Ian have been in Sydney.  Now we have taken her back to her house.  Rupert, Hugo, Jim and I remain at Hill House.

Today it is hot and windy and we are watchful for fires and smoke

We have, of course, been confused about what day it is. Although I mark them off on the calendar, the calendar is at our place and we are not.

I have updated the website to reflect a retirement and new beginnings and new patterns. I go back to work tomorrow and the days will return to something like normality. But not full normality. Not yet.

For we wait. Poised for something.

The end of a decade.

And the start of a new one.

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