Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Sunday, January 28, 2018

House Hunting

After a pleasant little visit to the Lakeside market yesterday we went house hunting.

Well, when I say "we"...  Lindsey and Ian went house hunting.  Not that they are planning to move.  They are planning to add to their property portfolio.  I wonder of they think of themselves as property magnates :-D

Anyway.  We looked at two houses.  The first one was a really beautiful house.  I would have bought it for the shower in the ensuite!  It had a magnificent kitchen, beautiful bathroom, glorious lounge room.  But it was very big and failed in the requirement that it should be do-uppable and increase its value.  Alas. This house had already had everything done. There was nothing left to do.

The second house they looked at was also a lovely house. Lovely renovated kitchen and dining area. Renovated bathroom. Three, potentially four bedrooms with slightly outdated decor. Toilet and laundry crying out to be rescued.  Interesting living area that has loads of scope for doing up.  It seems perfect.  I think they are quite interested.  But I suspect there may be other people who are quite interested.  A liveable doer-upper in a convenient location is likely to attract interest.

And in the meantime, I get to indulge in one of my minor interests, which is poking around in other people's houses.  Will give us an idea of what is around if we ever sell the house in Tupton.  Not that we will at the moment.  It's not on the market and our tenants seem to be quite settled.

On Friday evening, Lindsey and I wandered out into the car parking area at their place, after the Australia Day storms had passed and the rain puddles had dried up - to be greeted by this:

Après le déluge

And later we went back out to watch the Australia Day fireworks out by the lake.  The evening had cleared up beautifully and we had a clear view.

You find Jim and me now at Mount Martha. We came down yesterday afternoon and stayed overnight.  I got up this morning and thought I might go for a Sunday morning walk, early, before the heat kicked in.  I left at around 8:30, walked outside and was greeted by about 26d and noticeable humidity.  I went anyway:

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