Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Monday, June 05, 2006

I sense a small spot of Order approaching

I've found my USB stick! It was in my jacket pocket. Well, of course it was. Where else would you put something you wanted to make sure you took to work? Ordinarily, of course, I put them in my pink bag, but that was missing too (The Builder found that, eventually, hiding somewhere I had already looked several times!) The difficulty was that it was a glorious day yesterday and I didn't actually wear my jacket until quite late on so didn't notice there was anything in the pockets.

So. We've more or less packed Freyja up. I've been round to her flat now and it's very dinky, very cute and has FANTASTIC views out over the Don and Ladys Bridge and bits of The Wicker. And there are ducks. I have seen them with my very own eyes.

I have transfered the data from the PC to the laptop, so the PC is ready to move to Freyja's. (Wonder if I can throw bread crumbs from her lounge room window to the ducks ...) Might do that tomorrow or Wednesday. The Builder has done an amazing job of touching up the bedroom and the attic. We just need to get the study sorted out and re-decorate the kitchen and the Mudhut will be ready to hand back.

I've found the kitchen at the new place (I'm not hearing very many suggestions for a name for it!) I've also nearly found the lounge room. And the bathroom is pretty much sorted and our bedroom is functional. I fear we might need some visitors, though, before we are provoked into sorting out the study/spare room. Any volunteers?

So, the house now looks not so much deeply, dismayingly chaotic as very untidy. Clearly progress is being made. I shall make even more tomorrow. I have taken the day off for some intensive, hard core tidying!

Oh. You may remember that the house next door had, in 1953, acquired a swathe of garden from No 2. The house next door is now in the hands of receivers, or bailiffs, or someone and there's a notice on the window to say that no one may enter unless in the company of someone from the estate agency. I rang them today to enquire about the possibility of buying it back. It would make an excellent kitchen garden and would also obviate the need for an allotment. The agent has said she will contact the company who is dealing with the house and put my suggestion to them. Don't want the whole house. Just that bit of garden. No one would miss it, surely? Re-cross fingers and toes.

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