Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, October 27, 2024


The first thing we had to do was to pick up a hire car. There are five of us and both Austin's and Kaori's cars can only carry three passengers and the driver. We don't want to be hurtling around the country in two cars, so renting a larger car seemed the way to go.

Then Austin, Lindsey and I went to the shops to get some house shoes for me, a frame for the print I had brought for Kaori's father and some food supplies. 

And then we set off on an adventure, driving out into the mountains. As we were driving along, I thought: I have been along this road before. Where would I have been going? Ah yes - Sekigahara. And lo, there were the road signs for Sekigahara. But we weren't going to Sekigahara yesterday. No, we were going up Ibukiyama, Mount Ibuki.

There is a steep, winding, curving, chicaning road up the mountain, and you really have to give proper respect to the people who built it. It's an amazing drive with magnificent views, which I would advise you not to admire if you happen to be the one who is driving

The road doesn't go quite to the top. You reach a large parking area with viewing points, a cafe and shop, seats  - and a path that goes up to the top. I looked at it, and decided that if the path to the monkey park had defeated me and the gentle climb to the start of the bamboo forest had been a challenge, then walking to the top of Mount Ibuki was probably not going to be fun. I stayed in the parking area, examined the shop and listened to my book in the car. Austin, Kaori, Tatsuki and Lindsey carried on up to the top.

You can see Lake Biwa from the mountain - but I couldn't get a clear photo of it.

We were lucky with the weather. The fog properly came in after they had come back down, and didn't follow us down the mountain.

We ended the day in a Sushi restaurant, which Kaori had had the foresight to book for. There were a lot of people waiting for a table when we arrived for our booked table!

The aftermath of our feast

Freyja sent us a photo of a serene Japanese style garden, I assume in Melbourne, that she was walking through:

And this is what I could see in actual Japan when Freyja's photo came through:


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