Early Morning Sky, Mount Helen, late autumn 2024

Saturday, February 03, 2024

She Made It!

Stella tells us that she woke up yesterday morning and thought - I made it!

I wasn't convinced she would do. She was so breathless on Wednesday morning that she couldn't speak when I rang her. I hung up, called the nurses, and they sorted her out.

In truth, there has been doubt that she would make it to yesterday pretty much since she was born. She was a very premature baby and her parents were told to take her home and enjoy her for the few days they would have her. She has had heart attacks, respiratory issues, circulation problems, dud kidneys - you name it and she has suffered from it. Reports of her imminent demise have been rife throughout her life.

But make it she did, to her 90th birthday.

Wendy came up from Melbourne and Lindsey, Wendy and I accompanied Stella to the Boatshed for a celebratory lunch. Both my brothers have asked why they weren't invited but actually no one was invited. Wendy had assumed Lindsey and I would be working as usual and arranged to come up and go for lunch. Lindsey had, separately, taken the day off and decided to go out for lunch. I had also rearranged my week so I would be free for the birthday. And lunch just evolved.

It was a glorious day yesterday, as perfect a summer day as you could ask for. Mid to high 20s, blue sky, light breeze. And I had booked a table on the (inside) deck, out over the lake. We had a window table with lovely views over the water.

We shared a seafood platter (with extra chips). Stella and I had an affogato each for dessert. Wendy had a coffee pudding (although we think that might have been a typo because it was most definitely a toffee pudding). Lindsey decided not to indulge in dessert. It was all very delicious, washed down with mocktails for Lindsey and me, a light beer for the usually teetotal Wendy and a glass of proper champagne for the birthday girl.

Stella had phone calls from all sorts of people, social media messages from even more people, lots of presents.

An excellent celebration

90 years old
Not a bad effort

Wendy, decorated with rainbows

Seafood platter

Table with a view


Opening presents

Pink Flower mocktail for me

This was on the door of Stella's room

Then we took Stella home - and she repaired to her bed for a restorative nap

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