Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

A Sunny Weekend

We have finally had some decent spring weather and I have got out into the garden.

I have cut the grass, back and front.

I have weeded the pea bed and planted some more pea seeds.

I have established a salad bar in the Veg Trug that Jim and I rather expensively bought when we first moved into Tani. It has never been particularly useful as a vegetable bed, it's too deep in the first place so took much more potting mix than necessary. Also, things didn't seem to thrive in it. Then the liner weathered and more or less disintegrated. I was going to get rid of it, but decided that I could fill the bottom of the trug with an unused wooden seedling box and line it with an old towel and use it to grow salad things. It now has quite a shallow soil level and I have planted my celery seedling and a few silverbeet and two beetroot seedlings. I have sown a row each of spring onion, beetroot and lettuce seeds. I have put copper tape around the edges in an attempt (so far successful) to keep the marauding snails out, and put bamboo edging around it to keep the cats off. It looks quite good. Now I just need the saladings to grow :D

I don't usually let the cats out into the front garden, lest they wander down the driveway and disappear. But it was such a lovely day on Sunday and they were watching me out in the sunshine through the window. So I blocked off the exit from the porch and put up a low "fence" with some garden edging to stop them getting out through the veg beds. They thought this was a great adventure - even though it mostly involved them lying on the porch in the sunshine, lying in the grass in the sunshine and chasing bees and midges.

Let it be observed, however, that most cats would have snorted with derision at my attempts to keep them in. They could very easily have knocked over or even jumped over the "fences". Marlo would hardly have noticed them and would have been off down the driveway in no time. Mind you, Marlo would also have been up and over the (proper) metal fencing around the backyard and into the little stand of trees to the side of the house. Brandy and Whiskey haven't even tried. They seem to think of them as completely insurmountable.

Freyja and Simon were in town on Saturday so we had a Sunday Lunch on a Saturday party at Tani. Stella came. So did our friend Julia. You will be amazed to learn that I did a big bowl of roast potatoes as the centrepiece. I also made a big plate of salad, with vegetable koftas and "ficken" nuggets on the side and battered fish for the omnivores. I do enjoy having Sunday Lunch on Saturday parties but it can make it difficult to remember that it is actually Saturday. Still, no harm in having two Sundays the weekend,  should I be minded. And it gives you all of Sunday to clear up 😂

Lindsey and I did our CPR training yesterday. Everyone at the surgery has to have it done by mid-December. I think we are the last to have got ours done. It was nice and convenient, in the Ballarat city centre. Plenty of parking. A good instructor with a very droll sense of humour. It was a vast improvement on the last one I went to when only two of us got to do any hands on practice while the rest of us merely watched on. Only my knees were unimpressed. They were very unhappy that I spent two whole minutes kneeling on the floor while I did my practice resuscitation attempt!

The view from Stella's room on Sunday afternoon:

Stella can't complain about her outlook 

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