Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

We are oh so, oh so, oh so close to having fully moved out of Tani #1. The house is empty of everything except cleaning things, my step for reaching the upper shelves of the cupboards and the three wheeled trolley we used for moving the furniture, which we must return to Lindsey and Ian. The garage still has the barbecue and loads of cardboard boxes and a huge bag of paper. We were going to take the boxes and paper to the tip but have decided to hang onto them and use them for the base of some veg beds at Tani #2.

We have started cleaning Tani #1.  We've done all three bedrooms, the hallway cupboards and the lounge area.  We still have the kitchen, bathroom and dining room to do. We were going to do most of it yesterday but couldn't be bothered.  We'll put in two or three hours on Thursday and finish off on Saturday (I hope!)  We need to steam clean the carpets and then we're done. We don't have to hand back the keys until the 19th but I think we should be able to hand them back well before that.

In amongst all of this, we had a lovely weekend, mostly at Mount Martha.  We went to the Bridge Mall market before heading down on Saturday afternoon. It's ages since we last went to the market. Fortunately the stall keepers that we regularly visit remembered us!

Our visit to Mount Martha was enlivened on Sunday morning when I emerged from the visitors' bathroom, clad in a towel after my shower - to see Stella sitting on her bedroom floor. She's not sure how she managed to slip out of bed - she was getting up and just slithered down onto the floor. Fortunately, Jim and I were there to try and help get her up again.  It was actually quite hard. We had to try and roll her back up onto the bed.  My towel did little to maintain my modesty in all this activity!!!!  Eventually she managed to get back up onto the bed and isn't much damaged, apart from bruised knees.

We had lunch in the Dava and then went back to Stella's place, where Simon, Bethan, Noodle and new little puppy Leroy had come to visit. After they left we made a quick visit to Tully's, took Stella home and made our way back to Mount Helen.  It was a good weekend.

Early in the year, Lindsey gave me a large money tin. We've been putting our spare change into it.  We opened it over the weekend. It was only about a third full but the change machine at the bank converted it into slightly over $360.  Not a bad little total!  I've bought another (smaller!) tin for 2019.

Drinking Pimms at The Dava
 The view from our veranda on Sunday evening:

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