Docklands, February 2025

Monday, July 17, 2017

Lindsey and I both had a 7:00 Japanese lesson yesterday morning.  It was a Survival class so not very taxing for Lindsey and me.  I didn't learn anything I didn't already know - apart from the names of a few menu items.  But it never hurts to revisit very basic stuff when learning a language that you don't get the opportunity to use very often.  Stella did ask why we were learning survival phrases if we had no plans to visit Japan. We both looked at her slightly blank.  There are ALWAYS *plans* to visit Japan. In fact we have a plan.  It's just not until sometime next year.

Anyway.  After that we had a plan to pick up Emily and do a circuit of the lake.  So off we went, leaving Jim, Stella, Tony and Ian in the house.  Lindsey and I were discussing that we thought Jim wasn't looking absolutely happy.  We thought about it. And realised that apart from going across the road to pick up the post we couldn't actually remember when he had last left the house and garden.  We thought maybe a week?  Perhaps just over a week?  No wonder he isn't looking very happy!!

So when we got back from our walk around the lake I popped him into the Honda, the spare car and we went to Buninyong.  The car used to be Tony's.  Then, when he and Stella bought a new car, it went to Emily and was driven up to Townsville. When Emily came back to Ballarat she bought Lindsey's old car and the Honda went to Ant and Jess.  They have now bought Ian's old car and the Honda has come here to be the spare car. It needed its tyres pumping up so we did that and then we went to the Pig and Goose for lunch.

We've walked past the Pig and Goose many times and thought that we should pop in.  And so we should have.  The food was delicious - and we had to wait for it.  They cooked it to order.

Then we drove back to the house.  Lindsey mentioned that there was oil on the drive where the car had been.  We decided to check the oil levels in the morning.

Time passes.  Emily and a friend came up for Sunday evening roast which was cooked mostly by Lindsey but with some assistance from Ian and me (I made the Yorkshire puddings).  We watched a bit of TV (but missed Masterchef.  Fortunately the whole series is available on the Internet.  I might watch the whole season again from the very beginning. I've only seen it intermittently).

I slept fairly well and woke at a reasonable time.

And from there the day went downhill.

The builders arrived, by appointment, to carry on with the proper fitting of the doors and windows.  Ian was planning to head to Melbourne.  Lindsey was planning to leave a bit later.  Jim and I went out to check the oil levels of the car. About half way up the dipstick.  Then the gasman came, unexpectedly quickly,  to fix the main gas heater. Then we checked the oil levels in the car again.  No oil.  So Lindsey and Ian called the breakdown people. They came and organised a tow truck.  Lindsey rang the Honda people who said they could look at the car on Wednesday.  Ian disappeared to Melbourne, laughing quietly.  The gasman went away.  The tow truck came and took the Honda away to the Honda hospital.  Sam was unhappy about the builders, the gasman and the general chaos.  Rupert was causing the general sort of chaos that 11 or 12 week old puppies do cause. Then Lindsey went away leaving a frail Stella, a poorly Tony, a reasonably robust Jim and me, almost voiceless and one earless, plus carless on Mount Helen!!!

Fortunately we are not short of food, milk, bread or wine. Lindsey and I made a quick dash to the local grocery store anyway to stock up on milk and tasty things.  Ian is due back tomorrow evening anyway.  But the lack of the Honda has thrown the rest of the week into a quiet level of disarray.  However, as far as I am aware, everyone is still breathing, the wood fire is lit, the dogs are contentedly sleeping and a level of peace has descended on the house (mind you it is almost 6:00 in the evening - you would hope things might have settled down by now!)

Oh. And the fridge in the kitchen has stopped making things cold.  And the stove top has cracked but is still working.  On the other hand, the main gas heater is working.  For now!

Off for a walk down the driveway.  In the wind!

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