Docklands, February 2025

Monday, May 11, 2015

Victory in Europe commemorations

It was the 70th anniversary of the end of the WWII in Europe over the weekend and there were lots of memorial events, celebrations and commemorations around the UK.

Tabitha, Gareth and Cally came for the weekend.

The two events were not, as far as I am aware, connected!

They came to our place on Saturday afternoon after going out to visit the alpaca farm near Ringinglow.  We also saw alpacas on Saturday. We quite often see alpacas.  There is a flock/herd/collective-noun-of-your-choice of them in a paddock near the Chesterfield railway station, which we drove past on Saturday on our way to the supermarket. We did not go to Ringinglow.

We had home made pizza for dinner.

And we watched most of the BBC V in E anniversary concert on television.

We had a pleasant, sunny and leisurely day on Sunday.  Cally rode her bike up and down the garden paths. We played swing tennis on the lawn. We visited the allotment. We had a snacky lunch outside on the patio.  The Builder and Marlo watched the Grand Prix on the telly.  Tabitha, Gareth, Cally and I went up to the Village Hall where they were having a V in E anniversary street party.  It was free for Grown Ups and £1 for children.  And Cally had a great time. She played Pass the Parcel and had a balloon dog made and played with juggling things. All the children were given a commemorative mug and a flag. There had been sandwiches and cups of tea earlier, which we didn't have because we had had a snacky lunch at home.  The bar was open (you had to pay for alcohol, but the sandwiches and tea were free) so Tabitha had a pint of lager and I had a glass of wine.  It was an excellent way of spending an hour or so.  There was supposed to be a fly past of a Dakota plane, which we didn't see. I assumed that we had somehow missed it - although how you miss something as big as a Dakota plane was something of a mystery.  I found out later that the plane had been delayed by a couple of hours. By the time it  eventually flew over Tupton we were back at home tucking into roast lamb and Jersey Royal new potatoes and loads of vegetables, completely oblivious to its passing!

We don't very often go to village events. I think we should go to more. The ones that we have been to have been great fun.  The village parade and carnival is on  July 18th.  I think we should all go!

I have a photographic record of yesterday but somehow I seem to have left my camera at home.  I'll put the photos onto my Google photo album this evening and post a link on here and on Facebook.

Freyja, Simon and some friends did the Sheffield Round Walk on Saturday. They seem to have enjoyed it.  I enjoyed not walking 20+ km on Saturday :-D

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