Docklands, February 2025

Friday, December 26, 2014


We had a lovely Christmas Day.  Tabitha, Gareth and Cally came to our place on Christmas Eve so were here when we woke up yesterday.  Father Christmas had been kept informed about Cally's whereabouts so knew to come to our place not hers.

We had Christmas tree shaped crumpets for breakfast

It was a beautiful, beautiful day with a bright blue sky. So we went for a late morning walk along the nature trail

We had snacky, nibble things for lunch, and lobster bisque mid afternoon.

Then we had our Christmas roast just before 6 in the evening. I had given some thought to buying a three bird roast, with a duck encasing a turkey breast enclosing some guinea fowl. It didn't seem worth spending £60 on this once I discovered that nobody actually likes roast duck all that much. And Tabitha isn't a big fan of turkey. So I abandoned that idea and decided to slow roast a shoulder of pork instead.  Then both Tabitha and Gareth said that, although roast pork would be lovely  they had been looking forward to trying the guinea fowl, because neither of them had ever had it before.  So I bought one to have with the roast pork.  It was a great success.  We might just have guinea fowl next year - although I would buy more than one!!

Cally had fish fingers for her Christmas meal.  She lervs fish fingers :-)  She saw me taking them out of the freezer and looked worried.  "Are they just normal fish fingers, gamma?  You didn't buy 'special' ones did you?"  She clearly remembers the fish cake fiasco from a couple of weeks ago.  But no worries.  I too remember and had bought ordinary every day fish fingers from the supermarket!!

We were all too full to eat the puddings I had made :-S

The only downside to the day was when we discovered that the boiler had run dry and was now no longer working.  We had to turn the central heating off and had no hot water, unless The Builder lay on his back and manually topped up the boiler so we could wash a few dishes.  It's not too bad in the house this morning, but the weather is forecast to get colder later today.  We are going to need the heating - and we can't expect The Builder to spend all of Boxing Day lying on his back in our bedroom topping up the boiler with water so we can wash all the dishes.  Thank goodness we have boiler insurance!  A boiler man is coming to have a look at it this afternoon

Click here for the Christmas photo album

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