Docklands, February 2025

Monday, November 24, 2014

Markets and Merriment

We woke up this morning to persistent and determined rain.  This was a tiny bit of a worry.  We had plans for this afternoon which involve being outside.  Although, if it continued to rain like this, we might very well have amended those plans!  Some of them, though, didn't require dry weather.  So at 11:00 we hopped in the car and took ourselves into Sheffield.

They were holding a medieval fair at Bishops' House so we went there first for a bit of a potter around. By the time we got to Norton Lees, where Bishops' House is situated, the rain had dropped to a persistent drizzle.  There weren't crowds of people in the house (and I think not as many stalls as in previous years, but I'm not sure about that). But there were enough to give it a gentle buzz.  And by the time we came out, the drizzle had more or less stopped and it was just grey and damp.

We drove into the city centre - and found that the places where I had intended to park were all chock-a-block full.  So we parked in one of the multi-storey car parks and made our way to The Rutland (the Sheffield one; would have been silly to park in the Sheffield city centre if we were intending to go to the chesterfield Rutland :-D ).  There we were met by Tabitha, Gareth and Cally, and by Freyja and Simon.  I had thought that this was the first time that we had all been together in one place since Freyja got back at the end of August.  But I am reminded that we have, in fact, all met for lunch at Tabitha, Gareth and Cally's place.  However, Freyja and Simon are heading off to Darwin and Melbourne on Saturday, so it was nice to get together for lunch before then!  And a delightful lunch it was too.

When we came out, the grey clouds had gone away, the dampness had dried out, and the sun was shining in a blue, blue sky.  So we wandered down The Moor to look at the fair ground rides and the animals from the Heeley City Farm and the Christmassy things.  The Builder and I didn't plan to stay for the official turning on of the Christmas lights, but we were happy to  wander around and look at things in the sunshine.  And the Moor Market was open as well.  It's not usually open on Sundays but it is now up until Christmas.

Then the Builder and I pootled off home again, where he watched the final Grand Prix of the season, which we had recorded for him (it was actually on while we were in the pub).  And everyone else hung around to watch the lights turned on, and to inspect the Christmas market on Fargate.  I've already inspected it.  I have bought myself a new hat from it :-)

I enjoyed today a lot.  But I am very tired.  I haven't been sleeping well for some reason.  I think an early night might be called for!

Tabitha, Freyja and Cally on the Runaway Train this afternoon

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