Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Out and about, eating and drinking

On Thursday morning, The Builder sent me a message asking if we were going to the Bishops' House talk, which Ken was giving to the volunteers that evening.

I had completely forgotten all about it.  We had received invitations several weeks ago by email, but hadn't discussed it, hadn't put it on the calendar and I hadn't put it in my diary.  So no, then.

But we didn't have any plans for Thursday evening, and Ken's talks are always interesting, plus it's nice to meet with some of the other volunteers.  Because we always volunteer together, we only ever see the people who are coming in on Saturday afternoon and even then only for a few minutes.  So we decided that we would go, now that the Bishops' House people had sent out a reminder.

So Jim, drove into Sheffield after I finished work and we went to the (Sheffield) Rutland for an early bite to eat.  A Slutty, Rutty Butty for me, please. (A chip butty enhanced with a thick bacon steak, cheese and a slightly spicy stewed tomato sauce).  Fish and chips for The Builder

It's just as well that we did decide to go to the talk.  There was hardly anyone there. And that was a real pity, because it was a fascinating talk, looking at the development of Bishops' House itself and the surrounding area from the 16th century to the present day.  I wonder if it was because it was a Thursday and people were working or studying the following day.  I know that we left a little earlier than we might have done had I not been working the following day. But I'm glad we went.

I have recently started following the blog Feast and Glory, which looks at foodie things in and around Sheffield.  A couple of weeks ago it alerted its readers to a forthcoming Street Food Night Market, which was to be held just down the road from SHU and which looked as though it might be fun.  So I arranged with The Builder to meet him in Sheffield yesterday evening to go and have a bit of a look see.  Tabitha decided that she would come too. It was lots of fun.  We had wine. We had vegetarian spring rolls with a bean sprout salad. We had a pizza with ham and mushrooms.  We had tacos with pulled pork. There was lots more food to try, but we were getting quite full.  They are hoping to have these Street Food markets on a monthly basis, although they might not stay in the disused building that it was based in yesterday. The wood fired stalls were based outside in what is now a small council owned car park and I think the council was a bit uneasy about the loss of revenue that is the consequence of shutting a car park for a day.  I hope they do find somewhere else, though. It was a great little event. It ran from 5:30 to 10:30 yesterday and is running again today from 2.  But we can't go again.  We have other plans for today.
Getting ready to rock and roll.  It hadn't quite started when we got there. There were lots of people about half an hour later


  1. Hi there

    Many thanks for the mention of my blog! I'm going to add you to the Some of the Blogs I like to Read section on the site so that I can keep up with your meanderings!



  2. My pleasure. I very much enjoy your blog. Frances
