Docklands, February 2025

Monday, July 21, 2014


I have absolutely no idea where last week went!  The weekend was very pleasant. We went to Bishops' House in the morning; Tabitha, Gareth and Cally went to a birthday party near Sherwood Forest.  We went home; Tabitha, Gareth and Cally came to our place too for the night. We spent Sunday in a peaceful, calm, sunny way; Tabitha, Gareth and Cally went to the beach.

Monday came around. I had a relatively quiet week at work - and the week simply vanished.

It wasn't even that it was a particularly exciting week, although a few things of interest did happen.  We went to the Bishops' House AGM on Monday evening, which we preceded with a trip to the (Sheffield) Rutland for dinner.  I made an unusual solo trip to the pub on Friday evening to farewell a work colleague who is off to work in the corporate sector. Otherwise it was a fairly uneventful week.  Uneventful, and gone!

This weekend was fairly uneventful as well, although we did have quite an interesting thunderstorm on Saturday evening. Otherwise, there was nothing noteworthy. We did the usual weekend things, though we went to Chatsworth's farm shop rather than Marsh Green, for I wanted some  Chatsworth soap and some fish, neither of which can be got at Marsh Green. We haven't been to the Chatsworth farm shop for some time, mostly because Marsh Green is significantly closer and sells very similar things.  It just isn't as big (and doesn't sell Chatsworth's own things, nor does it have a fish counter).

And now here it is.  Monday again. My diary suggests that this is also likely to be a fairly quiet, uneventful week.  I wonder how fast this one will rush by. (I also wonder how uneventful it will prove to be, but that will no doubt become clear at the other end of the week :-D )

Where's Marlo?

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