Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, May 07, 2013


Katsu, Curry (Plymouth Rocks, Katsu has a paler chest than Curry), Udon and Ramen (Light Sussex; there's not a lot of difference between them although I think Udon has stripier stripes on her wings than Ramen) have arrived and settled in quite nicely. I was going to call the Light Sussexes Noodle and Rice - but Noodle is already called Noodle and we didn't want to cause confusion, so Udon and Ramen it is :-D We've got them shut up in the little run at the moment, while they get used to us, to their new surroundings, to each other.  They're so far proving to be good little chooks. They arrived mid-morning on Sunday and we've already had 9 eggs!

The first May Bank Holiday weekend turned out to be strangely pleasant, weather-wise  Normally when there is a holiday Monday, it pours and tempests and storms. Not this Monday. So we got out into the garden.  We've done a little light pruning of the cherry trees and the plum tree (always seems odd to me to prune in the spring but that's what the books say to do with prunus tree, prune either in the spring or as they finish fruiting).

And we've made a start on rescuing the poor flower beds.  The Under Gardener is out digging along the side bed even as we speak.

I potted on the tomato and pumpkin seedlings yesterday too. And sowed sweet corn, purple sprouting broccoli, white sprouting broccoli and romanesco seeds. I also sowed some button squash seeds, some capsicum seeds and some hollyhock seeds. We'll see how they all get on.

Click on the picnic chairs to get to the album

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