Docklands, February 2025

Monday, February 04, 2013

Birthday Shenanigans

It was Stella's birthday on Saturday and, as far as I can tell, pretty much everyone in the Victorian branch of the family descended on Mount Martha on Saturday for lunch.

It was a bit far for us to go, just for lunch, even though they have now opened the new bit of the Peninsula Freeway so that it goes all the way to Mount Martha instead of running out in Frankston. In any case, we were due to be at Bishops' House on Saturday morning, so even less of an opportunity to go to Mount Martha for lunch.  But we could meet Tabitha, Gareth and Cally.  And we could go to the Bishops' Coffee House for lunch in honour of Stella's birthday, after the afternoon shift had turned up at Bishops' House.

So we did.  Gareth and The Builder had Full Breakfasts.  Tabitha and I had burgers and chips.  Cally had sausage and chips.  It was all very delicious and I managed to eat the whole burger and most of the chips, but not the bun. (Although I am *Still* not very hungry - we had been into Chesterfield, The Builder and me, on Friday to collect my new glasses and had gone to The Rutland for lunch. All I had wanted was chips and gravy so got round this by ordering the steak and ale pie. Truly delicious it had been - and I could only eat half of it ;-(  It's time my appetite came back. I miss eating food!!!).

And after lunch we went to the pub for a quick drink.  It's not far from where Tabitha and Gareth live.  The Builder and I have been in once before - for about 8 seconds; the amount of time it took to turn on our heels and walk out!  Then it closed and it's been refurbished.  And all the manky, germy, grubby people who used to be in there have been replaced by men with labradors, ladies in dresses and even a few families.  It's much nicer. We stayed for longer than 8 seconds this time!

We didn't anticipate very many visitors in Bishops' House on Saturday morning.  It was quite chilly in the park and not many people go pottering about on Saturday mornings, usually.  And especially not on Saturday mornings in February. So we had gone prepared for a nice, quiet morning.  Instead of which we had a constant stream of people wandering in.  Very peculiar!  Still, it made our stats look nice and healthy.

We had a supplementary celebration of Stella's birthday yesterday.  We went to the Marsh Green Farm Shop to restock on our meat supplies and bought for our Sunday lunch a nice piece of lamb shoulder which I roasted very slowly for several hours. I'm sure that Stella would have enjoyed it very much - except that she had already had coconut prawns for Sunday lunch.  It would have been very greedy to have had both!!

Back to work today.  I still have a cough that would do Mimi proud but otherwise am feeling very much better.  The cough is still on offer to anyone who would like to give it a good home!

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