Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Last week in Victoria

And so we reached the last week of the Victoria leg of the GWT. Ian and The Builder turned their attention to the very poorly greenhouse (which had blown over the fence into the veg garden, even before it had been properly built, and was looking extremely sorry for itself). Lindsey and I went out and bought up Ballarat. The Builder and I went to Mount Martha for the weekend and had a lovely meal in the Flinders pub (I do like a nice piece of flathead tail).  Tony and I went to church, where he plays the flute with the choir and I got to sing Christmas carols. And we have been walking

You may remember that on our first visit to Mount Martha we went for a 7 km walk with Tony, which The Builder's feet found a bit lengthy.  Well, Lindsey and Ian bought him a pair of rather nice walking shoes for Christmas, which he says are like walking on airy cushions.  So we walked the perimeter of the Lake on Boxing Day and his feet liked that a great deal better.  Then Lindsey, Emily and I walked the lake again the following day (my feet didn't mind - but my back did!). It must be four years since I last walked the lake and then I did it twice in two days. It's a much, much nicer walk when the lake is actually a lake and not a slightly muddy swamp!  The lake walk is approximately 6 km.  Then when we got back to Mount Martha we went for a late afternoon walk with Tony of about 5 km. The following day it was a 4 km walk. Then, when we got back to Ballarat we walked around the University with Lindsey and Em - around 3 km.  Do you think maybe we should have done this the other way around and worked up to the 7 km walk rather than winding down from it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

No walk on New Year's Eve.  Judy and Theo were coming for lunch - a lovely barbecue outside in the sunshine - and before that The Builder did some work in the garden, moving soil for Lindsey's Christmas present (a raised herb bed) and Lindsey and I went out and bought up what was left of Ballarat. Then we had roast rib of beef for our New Year dinner (cooked on the gas kettle barbecue by me; I've never done a roast like that before and it was rather a successful method of roasting. I wonder how it would work on a wood fired barbecue) and that was 2012, done and dusted.  And the Victoria leg of the GWT.  A good way to end the year.

So thank you everyone for all the hospitality. For the magnificent feasting, the wining and dining. Thank you for the presents and the fun and the walks. Thank you for coming to see us and for letting us come to see you.  We've had a great time.  But don't get too excited about our departure. We'll be back in a little over 12 months for Stella's 80th birthday celebrations. She said she doesn't want a party - but anyone who thinks I'm coming all this way for a non-party is sadly mistaken. Then she mentioned the likelihood of feasting. I'm always up for a good feast!!!

Click on the remains of our New Year's Eve feast to get to the final Victoria album

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