Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Poor old Greg

For some time, Barb's brother Greg has been having problems with his heart. He was booked in to the Salisbury hospital on January 3rd to have an angiogram to see whether maybe a stent would help.  But I think he was having delusions of royalness - after we had seen him on Wednesday he had to be taken in the middle of the night to the Salisbury hospital with severe chest pains.  Alas - he didn't get to go in an exciting helicopter.  He had to be content with a boring old ambulance - not even with its lights and siren going!  Freyja says that this is all my fault - I had jinxed him by thinking how very well he was looking on Wednesday.  But I don't think it was my fault.  I hadn't actually said it - only thought it.

Anyway.  He has now had his angiogram and has also had FOUR stents put in. I think he is expecting to go home today, so I assume he is feeling better.  I don't think he is going home in an ambulance though.

On a happier note, our 2011 spare bedroom drought has been broken at the eleventh hour. Finally it has had an overnight visitor.  Freyja came to stay while we were away, to play with Marlo, who was very pleased to see her.  I think the spare room might have been pleased to see her as well.  It must be very sad to be a spare room that no one uses for its intended purpose (I use it, mainly as a spare storage space for things I can't be bothered putting away - but that is obviously not its intended purpose).

Last day of the year.  Better go and do something useful.

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