Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Wedding anniversary - so soon!!!

It was our wedding anniversary yesterday.  Who would have expected it to creep up on us so fast?

Although - I know that most years I comment on how a particular date or event in the future seems like such a long time away when you first organise it, but then *suddenly*, there it is, right upon you.  This year, though, I have been much more aware of time passing.  I think it might have been all that snow and the slow, slow start to spring.  It seemed to slow time down as well as everything else.

And then, suddenly, there it was.  The Builder and I have been married a year!!

Last year we marked the marriage with a long weekend of feasting.  Couldn't quite manage that this year, but we gave it a good shot.  The Builder had asked for roast lamb for the celebration evening meal.  So we had that, with our own potatoes and vegetables.  I even made a rather nice seafood soup to precede it.  And to precede that - we went on an impulse to The Nettle for a celebration lunch.  And, of course, there was lots of wine.

So a well-celebrated anniversary I think.  And now I really must get up.  There is lots to do this morning and we are leaving in a couple of hours for a quick dash to Cambridge

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