Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Did you know you can make dalek cakes?

The hobbits came on Saturday and now we have: a working bath; a working toilet; a working sink; a working shower with patched up shower tray; a working radiator and a leaking central heating drainage tap in the cellar (question: how would they have drained the radiator system when Mrs Hallam had the cellar blocked off?). We also have isolator valves on the bathroom pipes. The Builder has started boxing in the bits that need boxing in, patching the plasterwork and generally getting ready for painting and finishing the tiling. We have decided to hold off on covering the floor for a little while. There are perfectly serviceable floor boards to be going on with while we ponder the questions of tiles/lino/boards/stuff. I am looking forward to getting my decorative stuff up :-)

We still haven’t found a stop tap for the house. There must be one somewhere.

I remembered to turn on the little freezer, ready for it to receive its half pig tomorrow.

I also turned on my bench top oven. It went RATTLERATTLECRUNCHCRINKLE --- BINK :-S I’ve only had it three years. Mind you, it only cost thrupence ha’penny at Argos so I suppose it’s done quite well. I had intended to replace it when it died with a Lakeland pizza oven. Not sure if I can quite afford that at the moment. I shall have to save very hard. I don’t want to buy another Argos frugality oven!

Otherwise, it’s been a fairly quiet few days. Mostly it has rained. Or galed. Or rained and galed.

I have been organising the summer social calendar. Bea and Steve and The Builder and I are going to the Three Counties Agricultural Show in Malvern on the Solstice weekend. Pat’s coming to visit for a few days in July. I’ve got a dinner party or two organised in July. The invitations to this year’s garden party are out and are provoking an unusual level of excitement. Taffa wants me to make a dalek cake for it! The assembly of a dalek cake looks quite complicated. Perhaps I should have a practice run first! Anyone for a dalek?

1 comment:

  1. Yes! There's a whole group of people at flickr here who apparently dedicate their lives to making all sorts of dalek cakes! And cookies. Some of them make knitted daleks too!

    All The Best!
