Docklands, February 2025

Monday, January 12, 2009

A gastronomic weekend

I have been reading the blog for 2008 this last week or so, and then I was moved to read my Twitter history back for a few pages.

I have come to realise that I am completely obsessed by food!

My tape measure has come to realise it too – the Christmas avoirdupois and my tape measure finally encountered each other at this Saturday morning’s measuring session. I may need to declare Lent a little early!!

In the meantime, the weekend just past would have satisfied the most ardent of obsessed foodies. From a gastronomic point of view it was wonderful!

Friday saw us joining Bea and Steve at Roger and Kate’s place for a truly magnificent wild boar stew. I’ve never eaten wild boar before. I’m still not entirely sure what it tastes like – Roger had made it with chorizo and juniper berries, bay leaves and thyme, onions and garlic, and lots of red wine. It was absolutely delicious. But not a sauce where you could taste naked boar, so to speak. I would try cooking some for myself, but the only boar meat I encountered over the weekend, apart from that on my plate on Friday evening, was extortionately expensive. I think they sell boar in some of the farm shops in Hampshire. I shall have a look the next time we are down. Or – I could ask Roger where he got his from!

It was a good evening.

Saturday found us lunching at the (remarkably quiet) Three Horseshoes.

Sunday had Jane and Glynn Thompson around for Sunday lunch. I have hardly seen anything of Jane since she retired because of her fairly significant ill health and Glynn’s very significant ill health. Happily they are both in reasonably good health at the moment and were able to come out to play. In order to reduce the obviousness of my food obsession, I’ll not discuss the menu here. I’ll put it on the food blog!

It was a good afternoon. And nice to see them. I can’t think when I last saw Glynn. It surely can’t have been at Austin’s 21st birthday? And The Builder had met neither of them before.

It’s raining today and the temperature has gone up to about 8d. It’s the first time for about 3 weeks that we’ve had rain and no frost. It was FREEZING over the weekend. When The Builder got up on Saturday morning to make the tea, the temperature on the garden thermometer was minus 10d. Even the thermometer on the (outside of the) dining room wall didn’t make it up as far as 0d all day. The best it managed was minus 0.3. And everything was covered in white. We went across the moor tops towards Beeley in the middle of the day on Saturday and the trees were white, the ground was white, the sky was white. It was an entirely monochrome world! It was also very beautiful. And lovely to look at from the warmth of inside the car!! It was extremely cold when I got out of the car to take some photos. I think it took my feet about 2 hours to thaw out again.

Tony is in the hospital with a sorely tum. I don’t know why his tum is sorely, but no doubt the doctors will work it out. And, we hope, make it better.

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