Docklands, February 2025

Monday, September 15, 2008

Birthday Lunch

Well, who’d have thought it. It’s a whole year since Evie was born. Mind you, it’s a bit harsh being over the hill and past it at the ripe old age of one! I was in Sainsbury’s the other day and was looking at very cute jackets for babies. Wanted one in a size 1-1 ½. Could I find one? Could I heck – they stopped at nine months!!! Had to buy her something else :-S

After a lovely breakfast at The Swan (I don’t normally have a proper cooked breakfast if I am also to have a Sunday Roast at lunchtime, but I wasn’t paying close attention when I was asked if I wanted a cooked breakfast and absent-mindedly said yes), we trundled back to Salisbury to collect Gwen. We were off to Evie’s second birthday lunch. (She had had one on Saturday with Mike and Rosie and Pip and Tom).

Alas – her teeth are causing her much misery, although her attention was diverted by the application of a plate of roast beef with all the trimmings – mushed down, of course. She may have four teeth but they aren’t up to much in the way of chomping yet.

The rest of us had ours without the benefit of mushing. And very nice it was too. You can’t beat a plate of roast beef with roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding, I reckon.

There was cake. And a candle. Evie didn’t blow it out, however. I think in the end Matt did.

We all went upstairs and Rebecca entertained us with magic tricks and she and I played a game of “Who is it?”

And then, alas, it was time to go. We had to take Gwen back to Salisbury and then make our own way home.

I had noticed on Friday evening that there seemed to be an unusual number of VW camper vans out and about. But I didn’t think much about it because of being driven insane by the stationary nature of our visit to the M1. Coming home, I noticed that there was a quite remarkable number of VW camper vans and even a noticeable number of VW beetles heading south. Until we got to Gloucester, when the number heading south dried up completely and we found we were overtaking oodles and oodles and oodles of them heading north. From this I surmised that the VW machines had been out to play for the weekend. Probably somewhere in Gloucestershire, or very near it. Some of them had web addresses printed on their rear windows. When we came to think about it, we recalled a similar phenomenon at about the same time last year. This all gave me sufficient information to have a good stab at finding out what they had all been up to. Van Fest, 2008. At the Three Counties Showground near Malvern. Looks like fun. If you are a VW Camper Van fanatic J

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