Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I had Monday off. It was a strop day.

Not that I was stroppy on Monday. I had been stroppy on Wednesday. Very, very, very, *VERY* stroppy. Positively incandescent. Had I been able to lay my hands on anyone, there would have been a bloodbath. That’s it. I’m not coming in on Thursday. Nothing can make me. Oh – except for one or two quite important appointments in my diary. Right I’ll take Friday. Consulted the diary. Friday was do-able, but it crossed my mind that Monday would be more sensible, if we weren’t getting back from our jaunt to Wiltshire until late-ish on Sunday evening.

I rang Peter. Complained at length about my incandescence. Asked if I could have Monday off. For some reason, he agreed with alacrity. Can’t think why!

And Monday was a lovely day. The weather was fine. Life was calm. There was nothing pressing to do. The only downside was that The Builder had to go to work. I tidied up, cleared up, pottered about. I went to the allotment to water the tomatoes. I came home and weeded the cabbages. And the beetroot. And the middle bed. Then I hacked at the ivy by the gate. Then I podded the last of the peas and carried on.

Then I more or less collapsed! Sat down with a glass of wine and a magazine!

The Builder came home. We had more wine, a chicken casserole and an inspection of what I’ve been doing.

Then we ambled into Chesterfield to meet a Mad Axe Murderer I had met on the Internet in one of the local pubs for a few pints. He was in town for a job interview (reminds me – suppose I ought to find out how he went!) It was a good evening. Was strangely hard to get up on Tuesday morning though!

The poor Builder is having to work all day everyday practically for ever! 8-6 this week apart from Friday (8-4), all day Saturday, most of the day Sunday, then how ever long it takes to get the job finished next week. Poor thing will be knackered! I, at least, have both Saturday and Sunday off this week. I might get more weeding done

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