Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Monday, January 11, 2021

A Few Days in Summer

After a run of wet and cool days, we are now enjoying a run of very pleasant summer weather. It's been still and warm and sunny for a few days now. It's a bit windier today and we are expecting a cool change later this afternoon, but I have finally put away the free standing heater and brought the pedestal fan out,

Saturday morning at Hill House

Early this morning at Tani

Jim and I decided that the cardboard cat castle wasn't earning its keep. The cats weren't using it and it was taking upon a lot of space in the lounge room. So I started to dismantle it. It turns out that Brandy and Whiskey might not like it as a single castle but they do rather like it as three separate play areas. I have stopped the dismantling for now and the three separate play boxes don't dominate the room quite as much (especially since one of them has moved into the dining area :) )

A box of Brandy

Otherwise, it's been a quiet few days. Lindsey and Ian had a few days in Mount Martha, staying in a AirBnB not far from Stella's place. We stayed at Hill House with Rupert and Hugo. I dropped down each day to sort out Brandy and Whiskey and to do useful things at our place. Lindsey and Ian came back on Saturday afternoon and we moved back to our place. 

Lindsey and I did the Saturday Shopping on Sunday. We dropped out to Elaine. The Mushroom farm is on holiday for a couple of weeks so we couldn't go there and in any case it isn't open on Sundays. We went into town and did the supermarket and the scoop shop. Jim and I  went up to Hill House to help clip Rupert's toenails and to check out the garden. Jim has been enjoying watching the cricket on the telly. I have been enjoying pottering in the gardens at Hill House and Tani. It's all been quite pleasant.

I lost Hugo on Saturday morning.  Couldn't find him in any of his usual spots.  Not on our bed, though Rupert was. Not in the lounge room. Not on the dining room couches.  Not on his bed in the front yard. Not on his bed in the back yard.  Nowhere to be seen. Then I found him. And he was on a bed. But it was the bed in the guest room.  The door had obviously not been properly closed!

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