Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Saturday, October 09, 2010


So there I was, at ten to six on Wednesday morning, sat in bed, minding my own business, not doing anyone any harm at all, drinking a cup of tea and looking at an iPhone game that Austin had drawn my attention to.  Fine and dandy I was.  At nine minutes to six I was unexpectedly and without warning struck with the most explosive and dramatic burst of diarrhea!

Necessitated a mad dash to the bathroom, a change of the (clean :-(  ) bed linen, a change of nightie, sluicing down of the bathroom and a day off work.

Make that two days.

I went to my Japanese class on Thursday evening, feeling quite considerably better.

I went to work on Friday ...

And had to come home again, feeling all over wobbly and not at all well.

The Builder came into Sheffield to get me.

On the way home, we wondered if I might not be feeling well because I hadn't eaten anything very much since Tuesday evening.  We called into Sainsbury's on the way past and bought tins of soup.  I think The Builder is being deprived - we almost never buy soup in tins.  Usually I make my own.  But the way he wolfed down his tin of Heinz tomato soup suggests that I perhaps ought to buy some for him from time to time!!!  I had chicken soup.  I must say - I prefer mine!  (But the soup and bread did make me feel slightly better)

Mind you - if you think that was all a bit dramatic, think of poor Steve next door.  Woke up on Monday morning feeling a bit peaky.  By Tuesday morning he was in hospital having an emergency appendectomy!!!

We have acquired a traffic light outside the front of our place.  It seems that all the power cables are going underground and the power poles are to be removed.  This has the advantage that we might be able to knock down part of the wall out the front and make the space into the driveway wide enough to be able to get a car in more easily.  Although then we would have to get council permission to drop the kerb. The Vixen's wheels don't like driving over the kerb too often - knocks the wheel alignment out!

In the meantime - the traffic lights are causing a merry level of chaos :-)

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