Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

You can go off some people

... you know. It's no wonder I'm dozing in my chair by half past ten.

Dozed off during the news last evening, as you do. Woke up, watched telly, dozed some more. Went to bed, around 11.

So far, so good.

Woke up at around 2, as The Builder leapt out of bed, clutching his leg. Cramp. Went back to sleep (me, not The Builder, though he did too).

Woke up just before 4 as The Builder lurched from the bed, once again clutching his leg. **HE** went back to sleep. I did not :-(

That's the second night in a row that he's done that at around 4. It's toooooooooooooooo early to be awake at that time!!!

Mind You, the World Service has some interesting programmes on at that time in the morning.

(I think it is the fault of the people he works for. He used to get really bad cramps, then a passing GP suggested he might be getting dehydrated during the day. I investigated and decided his water intake was absolutely minimal. Practically non-existent. So I took to sending a large container of water lightly flavoured with cordial with his daily food provisions. The cramps stopped, as he sipped his water throughout the day. On this job, in the secure hospital in Rampton, he's not allowed to take food or liquid onto the site and has to drink his water during his morning and lunchtime break. The result is that he is getting thirsty during the afternoon. And the night cramps have returned. Wonder if I could send a drinking flask strapped to his chest with a straw. Like astronauts' thingies)

The advantage of getting up at 05:30 is that I have time to potter in the mornings, given that I don't leave until 7, 7:15. This morning there were green finches on the bird feeder, blackbirds eating the meal worms, goldfinches darting about and something brown that I couldn't identify sat on the shed roof. Very cute. And I've suspended my blackcurrant and red wine mix in a cotton jelly bag hanging from a cupboard door. Hope it's still hanging when I get home this evening!!!

We seem to have lurched into August. Gosh!

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